This is the kids letters to Santa, the reindeer's and the elves, complete with a joke from Christopher where you have to lift the flap to get the answer and a piece of paper for Santa to reply to them....and of course the usual cookies and milk. There was also a chair with an extra cushion on so Santa could be comfortable while he wrote back to them, if he had the time as per their piece of paper.
This is the kids when they got found the letter that Santa had written back to them. They immediately sat down on the couch and read it, they did not even go to their presents until they had read it, not even the big games table!
One of Kierans favourite presents from Santa.
This was another joint present from Santa that the kids both wanted and they have had lots of fun with it since Christmas, it is actually pretty amazing.
This was Christopher's favourite present from Santa which he desperately wanted and kept telling everyone about, he has built it and loves it, it gets carried around everywhere with him and the thing is huge!
Christopher's other favourite present, from us, GOLD gogos in a gold tin (Christopher loves gold anything, never mind gogos!) they were the second most wanted on his Christmas list.
Paul being forced to smile for a picture with all his presents and stocking.
No I did not add a picture of me, bloggers prerogative! This is however a picture of all my presents. I was totally spoiled again, loads of scrapbooking things including quite a few stamps and thickers sets, an ATG gun and tapes and a scalloped edge punch. A New Moon puzzle and calendar, my usual Christmas cd's which now seems to have grown to 2 every time loaded with all my latest favourite songs and some other bits and bobs. Christopher got me the kitty dairy and address book and made me the little snowflake snow globe at Beavers. Kieran got me the little Teddy car fresheners for my new car and then used the last of his Christmas fair money to buy me the little hand made gold tea light holder. :)
We are just swamped with snow again, it snowed on Sunday, a couple of times yesterday and when I woke up this morning it was snowing and continued to do so for the rest of the day without stopping once! The roof of the car is just from today and yesterday, we just cleared the back off to show how high it is! We went out with the kids earlier to play and build an igloo and the snow in the field out the back was up to my knees! Paul has worked from home the last two days as first the roads over the Pennines were closed and this morning he just could not even get out. Apparently it is supposed to continue and Thursday is going to be the worst. Oh well at least the kids are enjoying it!