Okay that was a bit longer than a couple of days! Right crafty things....I actually didn't get up to much crafty things over the last couple of months. Some magazine work but otherwise the only crafty things I have done are a couple of small things for friends. First was this 8x8 page which was done for my friend Ali who has just moved back to Australia! A group of us get together every year and go away for a weekend of scrapping and fun and Ali is a big part of that group and is going to be greatly missed! So we decided to make her a little album using photos from our weekends to remember us by. This was my page.

The same group of girls organised a little decorated notebook swap amongst ourselves. By the time I was paying enough attention and decided I wanted to take part in the swap everything was already organised and the swapees had been handed out etc. My sweet friend Gemma who was organising it did offer to swap all the names around but I told her not to worry so we decided to just do a direct swap between the two of us. This is the beautiful notebook that she made for me. I just love it, especially the beautiful papers she has used.
This is the notebook I decorated for Gemma using Bo Bunny Prairie Chic. I originally had loads to go on the front but ended up scrapping it all because I much preferred it with the clean and simple look. That and you actually have to be quite careful of what you use otherwise it makes it difficult to write in! I used my Bind it all to punch holes in my paper so it could cover the whole of the cover.
I figured Gemma would already have a standard notebook from the swap she was doing so I decided to do a slightly different one for her and chose one with all the dividers which I just added a little decoration to.
So that's it over the last two months! A small layout, a notebook and a card! As I said earlier I did do some layouts for a magazine article and am currently working on some more but of course I can't show any of those so that is all I have to share for the moment!
Last thing for tonight....we have a new member joining the family tomorrow and here he is!
Isn't he adorable! He does not have a name yet as we can not all agree on one so hopefully once he comes tomorrow we will just know! At the moment some of the favourites are Domino, Jett, Colby, Diesel, Socks and Oreo! He is a Sprollie which is a cross between a Collie and a Springer Spaniel and he is beautiful! The kids are thrilled as they have been begging for a dog for a few years now! :) So I am sure I will have lots of photos to share soon. Anyways I am shattered and I am sure I will not get much sleep for the next few nights with a new puppy so I am off to bed :)